Nested tables in a DIV display incorrectly in Mac IE5

Browser: Mac IE5 (2022)
OS: Mac OS9

Nested tables display incorrectly on Mac IE5 when they are in a DIV. When I have a nested table in a DIV IE5 breaks the table into its constituant tables, but displays them vertically stacked on top of each other. The result is a table that is the correct width, but is multiple "table-heights" in height. Setting the bgcolors allows one to see each table separately in all its erroneous glory.

Nested tables in a DIV also cause all of the text to be smashed to the bottom of the DIV, but only in Mac IE5.

I've spent a week and a half already trying to figure out a solution, but I cannot find one. Does anyone have an idea for a fix?



Mac IE5 requires there to be an end of line character at the end of each line of html code in the javascript. If the table is generated as one long string of html code, then IE5 spazzes out and chokes on it. See for yourself by removing the '\n' from the end of each line in the makeHtml routine and see your results. Mac IE5 is crap.